Therapeutic Tools & Trainings
"Recognized as one of the TOP mindfulness games by Best Board Games ~ March2022" bestboardgames.com
Note: We are currently out of stock of games & products!
We’ve heard from customers including therapists, school counselors, business owners and parents who have provided encouraging and positive feedback!
"I purchased the Resilient Kids Boot Camp game and am thrilled with the results! As a therapist the tool helps me focus on DBT techniques and develop resilience with my clients. I also played it with my 2 teenage sons and had a positive engaging experience."
Dave M.
State of Nevada Association for Addiction Professionals, Licensed Drug and Alcohol counselor, and Recovery Advocate
"I’ve used the game twice. Once with a 7 year old and once with an 8 – almost 9 year old. They both loved it! The 7 year old is difficult…but, not only did it hold his attention, it actually zeroed in on all the skills we have been working on. It allowed for very good conversation. The 9 year old really like it to! Great game!"
Kim T., MFT
Private Practice Clinician, Las Vegas, Nevada
"Resilient Kids Boot Camp Game is a great tool. It engages students to learn skills while having fun."
Terena W.
Director Of Counseling, Cabot Public Schools
"I bought Resilient Kids Boot Camp game at the American School Counselor Association Conference in Denver this last summer. This game turned out to be as terrific as I thought it would be. My middle school students love playing this game. They clearly are learning skills that help them handle their emotions and maintain better focus in the classroom."
Tim D.
Middle School Counselor, Los Angeles, California
I purchased the Kids Boot Camp game am thrilled with the results. As a licensed therapist the tool helps me focus on DBT techniques and develop resilience with clients. I also played it with my 2 teenage sons and had a positive engaging experience."
Nicole C.
Licensed Therapist
"I've used this game and think it is a good one"
Lisa H.
Licensed Therapist
"Brilliant, I'm in the field of ABA and we use board games as a tool to teach sportsmanship. I'll share this with professional groups.
Robert S
Licensed Therapist
"My clients love it already!!!
Michelle K
Licensed Therapist
"I played your game with my 2 first grade groups and it was MAGICAL! So effective!
Allie M
Director Counseling
"The Resilient Kids Boot Camp is an excellent resource to teach students of all ages important skills in communication, stress management, and emotion regulation that tend to get lost in our ever increasing technological society. The beauty of the game is that it can be customized to be used as a family support tool, as well as a skill enhancement to any number of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) educational activities. The game would also do well as a team building tool for any number of adult work related stress issues. This truly is an excellent resource for students of ALL ages."
Kimberly W.
Treasurer, FIRST (For Inspiration of Science and Technology)
"Our therapists loved it! We have used the cards in groups which has been well received. The game has been great to practice our DBT skills. Thank you for the resource."
Fran M., LCSW
Clinical Director, River Oaks Treatment Center
"Had a great time playing this game with my son and husband. He really loved doing the mindfulness cards, using the spinner, and getting tokens. Fun family time for us all."
Jeanine C.
Teacher/Parent in Las Vegas, NV
"I thought the cards were relatable to my kids and relevant to a lot of things we are working on. For instance, there is a social skills card that talked about having a relaxed smile while talking to someone. My autistic client got that and he tried real hard but he still came across uncomfortable. I responded, “well that right there is why we need to work on this stuff”. I also liked that for the older kids you included social media cards, particularly as it relates to not being included, because that’s a problem for many kids. I liked that I could play it with a wider range of children and that they can all play it together."
Sommer B.
Counselor & Owner, Serenity Counseling Center
"The game has some really great phrased questions that I can't wait to use!!!!!"
Sabrina S.
Licensed Therapist
" Love this game and so do most of my clients."
Debbie C
Licensed Therapist
"I recommend this game to several colleagues. I think the game is genius!"
Nicole M
Licensed Therapist
"I am very interested in figuring out ways to appropriately incorporate DBT concepts and skills into my work as a school counselor while remaining within the appropriate scope of practice for my profession and training. This game is a wonderful tool to that end. "
Saskia R
Licensed Therapist